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Archive for marzo 2014

Cartel comunista

This poster is the union of the workers of the USSR, even not having the same job all have the same thought.
This poster began to see the end of the Second World War, in the former USSR.
To see more images of posters of comunism click here

Twin Towers

New York Twin Towers
The Twin Towers of New York, designed by Minoru Yamasaki , were part of the World Trade Center, a complex of seven buildings in the Financial District of Manhattan. These steel monoliths with 110 stories and 417 meters high, although one measured 415, changed the skyline of the city and were the highest in Manhattan at the time of building completion and the fourth in the world rankings , behind of the Petronas Towers in Malaysia ( 452 m), the Sears Tower in Chicago ( 443m ) and Jin Mao Tower in China ( 421m ) .
Begun on August 5, 1966 , the Towers were completed and officially opened on April 4, 1973 , although the work does not really end until 1975.
The September 11, 2001 , the Twin Towers were destroyed by a terrorist attack that crashed a plane 767 in each of the buildings. The tower one, two and seven complex collapsed and the rest was demolished after being damaged beyond repair

The World Trade Center was conceived in early 1969 by the Association of Lower Manhattan Development , aiming to revitalize the seedy area occupied primarily by electronic stores. The chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, David Rockefeller , founder of the development association , and his brother , New York governor Nelson Rockefeller, pushed for carrying out the project , insisting it would benefit the entire city.
In 1962 , the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began plans to build the center.

The port of Marseille

The port of Marseille is a painting by Paul Signac, conducted in 1907 found in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
With a pointillist technique, the artist reflects the boats, the water and the buildings of the city and harbor, creating a mosaic of multiple colors.
The love of sailing and the Marseille port was demonstrated by several works this subject (The port of Marseilles (1884) A view of Marseille (1905), etc..
The author has a novel by 1931.


Sunflowers  is a series of oil paintings made ​​by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. In the series there are three similar paintings with fourteen sunflowers in a vase , two with Twelve Sunflowers, one with three and one with five.
Van Gogh painted the first four frames in August 1888 , when he lived in Arles, in southern France, and three others like it in January of the following year. The paintings are all executed on canvas about 90 x 70 cm.
Van Gogh was established in France in March 1886, after a hard winter when his father died and passed economic hardship. Encouraged by his brother Theo , he settled in Paris, the art capital at that time , where an atmosphere of artistic effervescence , caused by the appearance a few years before Impressionism lived . In the French capital he met other artists such as Toulouse- Lautrec , Pissarro , Seurat , Signac and Gauguin, with whom he shared a desire for renewal impresionismo.1 But his restless nature led him to seek a quieter place to work , and advised by Toulouse- Lautrec settled in Arles (Provence ) , where he arrived on February 20, 1888 . Here again was in a dire financial situation, as not sold any of his paintings , but survived thanks to the financial help of his brother

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