Posted by : Unknown miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Watercolor and pencil on paper , up and down a strip with watercolor and ink on cardboard, 33.5 x 23.2 cm.
Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern.

Modeled music, Klee 1922-1923 running towards a series of works that are among the most famous of all their production . These paintings, variations on the themes of dawn and dusk , have much to do with each other . They refer to various studies skies these years, among which we mention the Eros - a reflection on watercolor hues arranged forming sequences , indicated by upward arrows turn left ideally the horizon in the lower line of the table - and Separation own evening . The objective in this type of composition , where color and directional arrow sign play a central role , is to propose a kind of expanded vision of the cosmos. Simplifying the chromatic elements of the universe do, Klee misses the essence of a mature art , which the aggressive tone of the arrow, authentic agens , character moves look inside the box type: left and right , up and down become cardinal points of his own world of artist but can universally shared at once romantic and vibrant and absolute "scientific " . Based on theories about color Delacroix, Goethe and Delaunay , Klee focuses on the movement in accordance with the colors and speaks of "rhythm circular color." Starting point is the concept of " color wheel " where the circumference is divided into six main segments that make chromatic relationships , a primary color alternating with a secondary interposed between the two of birth, while complementary neutralized in center . This scheme allows the color "movements" diametrical and peripherals, special blends and contrasts. In this work, the rigid vertical division is balanced by the direction of the two arrows : the downside , bigger, indicating the Cold sunset , while the heat of the sun is symbolized by the small arrow.

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