Posted by : Unknown martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Sunflowers  is a series of oil paintings made ​​by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. In the series there are three similar paintings with fourteen sunflowers in a vase , two with Twelve Sunflowers, one with three and one with five.
Van Gogh painted the first four frames in August 1888 , when he lived in Arles, in southern France, and three others like it in January of the following year. The paintings are all executed on canvas about 90 x 70 cm.
Van Gogh was established in France in March 1886, after a hard winter when his father died and passed economic hardship. Encouraged by his brother Theo , he settled in Paris, the art capital at that time , where an atmosphere of artistic effervescence , caused by the appearance a few years before Impressionism lived . In the French capital he met other artists such as Toulouse- Lautrec , Pissarro , Seurat , Signac and Gauguin, with whom he shared a desire for renewal impresionismo.1 But his restless nature led him to seek a quieter place to work , and advised by Toulouse- Lautrec settled in Arles (Provence ) , where he arrived on February 20, 1888 . Here again was in a dire financial situation, as not sold any of his paintings , but survived thanks to the financial help of his brother

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